there was once, i hooked up with a guy who called my house as a wrong
number <M> my mom blew her top. Freaked out <M> he was almost going to be my very first boyfriend in Form 2 <M> i kept talking to him after that <Kva> Fuck. How did I miss out on perverting dumb pubescent peejay gurls. <Kva> why did you keep talking to him? <M> coz i was being a flirt <M> and he was giving me attention <M> and he knew a few friends that i knew <M> so it was a bit safe <Kva> how old was he? <M> he was16 <M> me 14 <M> nice mar <Kva> ooh <M> so we went on a date after 10 days of phone talking <M> went for breakfast <M> and <M> that was my first taste of reality <Kva> lol <M> LOOKS DO MATTER! <Kva> hahahahahahahahahahaha <M> fuck man <M> imagine me, being so idealistic <M> "looks dont matter, its whats inside" <M> bleh the blah <M> i just walked up to the shops for breakfast lor <M> i SWEAR it wasnt supposed to matter <M> but oh MAAAAAAAAN <M> when i saw him, i was SOOOOOOOO upset <M> it was like being slapped by reality <M> no shit <M> he was skinny and a bit gross <M> and you know lar, teeny bopper back then <M> all hoping everyone would look like George Michael or something <M> i was more upset at myself <M> i was disgusted that i held his looks against him <M> yeah, at least i'm kinda over that <M> the date was ok <M> he was sweet, but a bit gross |
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then later my mom asked who i met for breakfast <M> i said J <M> she was like "J... THE J THAT CALLED UP, J????" <M> HOW COULD YOU GO OUT WITH HIM??? <M> YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HIM!!!! <M> HE COULDVE BEEN A PERVERT OR A MOLESTER OR A RAPIST <M> man, my mom ALWAYS stressed on RAPIST <M> no wonder i'm a frigid <M> YOU COULDVE BEEN RAPED <M> I WOULDNT HAVE KNOWN <M> YOU COULDVE BEEN KIDNAPPED!!!! <M> YOU COULDVE BEEN MOLESTED <M> I DONT WANT J TO EVER CALL YOU EVER AGAIN!!! <M> *ring* *ring* <M> J rang <M> and she picked up the phone and she said "J, i dont want you to call my daughter ever again" <Kva> J called right at that moment? <M> yeah, coincidence <M> i think 2 days later <M> he asked if i could go steady with him <M> "i feel like i know you for such a long time" <M> i said no <M> and then regretted it for the next 3 months <Kva> why regretted it? <M> coz after i said no, he cut back on the calling <M> wasnt in most of the time <M> blah blah blah <M> you know the deal <M> "NEXT!!!" |
and photographs by and copyright © Danny Lim. Please do not reproduce
or use without permission.